Twin Flame: Astral Sex

Someone came to my blog by seaching for “astral sex with twin flame” i guess i wanted to make it clear as someone who can see, feel and hear the astral. As someone who has been through the “twin flame game”, anything you mess with in the astral is NOT your twin flame. They are entities. A large entity made up if smaller entity of the groteque manner. They can use light in the imagination/dream state to make you THINK it’s a specific person, they can mimick voices, they can even tell the future by influencing it. But they are not that person. It is an entity, a nice broader word for alien or demon. At best they maybe attachedto your twin flame or just became attached to you if you were looking for your twin flame to harvest sexual energy from you.

You give them an inch and they will take over your life!

They would force me to orgasm as i would wake up making me think my ex (so called twin flame) was try to please me. It felt real. It felt like he was holding my hand sometimes. He wasnt. It is not him or his higher self. It is complete entity play. It is rape (if they are impostering a human twin flame).

I don’t want to incite fear into anyone. And belueve me i would rather have the daydream. But i feel it is my duty to let people know at least my truth…… Because eventually the entities were trying to make me so depressed about my twin flame they were trying to force me into suicide saying we would be together my next life time. Yes! These entities impersonated my ex saying we will be together next life time and i should kill myself!

Only reason i ever attempted was because once i stopped believing the twin flame thing the entities stopped impostering my ex and then started showing me sick visions of child abuse and i wanted to die.

Whatever these entities are at the end of the day they are gross liars. So dont fall for the tricks.

Feminine Warrior Spirit

Sometimes to be honest i wish i didnt have this female warrior spirit in me. I wish i had the pleasure of not having to think twice about the rights and safety of my people. I wish i could be softer sometimes and not harden by having to be on the defense of life and those that transgress.

It’s both a gift and a curse. When I want to be quiet i can’t, because it is my duty. It’s someones life on theline.

I wish my feminity was pretty and not rough around the edges from a never ending fight towards our liberation.

I am who i am, I’m glad to know myself. I just wish i could know other softer aspects that havent been hardened by the world.

Can you be pimped in the astral plane?

I mean is that even a thing?

This is the second time (or period of time) this nasty ass evil ass piece of shit demon alien THING tried to pimp me on the astra to some heavy ass beast energy. Like i dont even know what they are doing exactly cause i can only hear and see in part.

But i know there was some talks of money. They got currency in the astral? And then some SUPER heavy energy layed on top of me as much as i fought and said no and cussed them out. And then the heavy entity sighed relief after being connected to me or something. (And the wierd cats visions) …… And im just over here trying to figure out what is happening to me.

Like are they just playing with me?

Is my energy or body really being pimped out by some asshole demon for astral currancy?

I mean can you even do that? Is it even like legal in the grand laws?

It sounds ridiculous right? And yet my friend said his twin flame in italy something similar was happening to her. But their story was all over the place.

I’m just by my lonesome trying to figure this out.

I just dont see how this is possible or legal or like not stopable at this point.

I just wanted to make this note in case anyone else was dealing with this in any shape or form.

I never tried to play in the astral/ dimension or anything like that……it just happened. But from what i read most are suppose to leave you alone …. Thats what im not understanding. Is why they wont leave me alone.

I want my body back!

I want my body, mind, soul, spirit back NOW!

I am waiting to see if i can get some cash flow so i can start eating better and organic again. I dont care what any omnivore says….. My body can not process meat the way others can. May on occasion or festivities….. But an every day basis of my diet. Nope. I gained soooooooo much weight.

When i went raw i lost 20lb in a month but thats too much in a month. And i dont want flab. Its difficult to cook in my parents house cause my mom is always in the kitchen and the refrigerator is always full with left overs.

I am slightly afraid that my vegetarian/vegan lifestyle had something to do with what seemed like my spontaneous awakening. But i have to do what i know is right for my body.

I’ve mapped my mental landscape and the games the demonic aliens play. But i want to get rid of them desperately.

At night in my dreams they take control of my spirit/consciousness and drive it through dreams. I cant say exactly how but its like they wear my spirit and drive it while im asleep creating an illusion dreamscape to play in. Which is 100 times better than their sad reality of floating around in space waiting to fuck with someone believe me.

I miss running….. Sweating…. Biking…. I had lost 130+lb over a couple of years and was about 40lb away from my goal weight when i got attacked by the demon aliens. And i slowly became inactive becauce the weight of them hurt to simply walk to breathe. I felt like i was being choked, like my brain was in a vice. So i stopped all activity. Then tgey forced me to quit my job by the sick images they were showing me and saying to me. Then i became depressed and pretty much only ate cheese sandwhiches and cookies all day for like a year. It was a sad look. All my vital came back ok. My blood pressure was a bit high but nothing my doctors seem to take as seriously as i was.

Even being unhealthy i still see hear and feel them. My body is no longer in an alkaline state (i was lighly following Dr. Sebi Akaline guidelines but not strictly). Prior i was 7+ph.

I almost want to cut off all my hair again. Idk. My hsir is just sitti g on my head in a bun all day. Wasting shampoo AND tons of conditioner on it.

Im like wasti g to go into warrior mode ….. Just been waiting and waiting. So tired of waiting. Waiting for money, answers, healing, something!

The soul and the spirit i believe is different i believe. I believe the soul is the observer the spirit is the driver. What animates us. The electricity that runs through our body. Unfortunately this can be hacked. I dont think our soul can be hacked maybe im wrong. The soul is pure. But the body is a bio computer. It is a reciever of information. And it is being hacked and viruses and back doors and Trojans and identify theft is being carried out by these demon aliens. I mean they sounded just like my ex (identy theft). They knew what song he was goung to send me 2 weeks before he sent it (back door).

But i havent fleshed this out too much. But i dont know why they do what they do but its wrong and bad andcevil and there will soon be a reckoning for them and who ever is working with them.

Taregted Individuals: NLP: Nueral Linguistic Programming

I wonder if this is how the voices create out comes in my life. I mean most of it is outter manifestations of THEIR words and not mine. I mean they call me a child molester all day and im not one. But the way they have foretold the future a bunch of times im still wondering if they foretell or create it. But how?

When this first started. The voices started calling me “honey tree” i searched the internet trying firgure out what it could mean. The symbolism around it. I found an actual honey tree which was thorny. And a bunch of daycares called honey tree. And something about Jesus. I wrote a blog post on my Tumblr about it. And the voices sounded like my co-workers were hacking my brain to find out the name of my blog so they could read it. And i quickly deleted the whole blog! 😐 then less then a week later my ex (false twin flame) (months after we broke up) sent me a message with a link to a song by a band called the HoneyTrees. 😮 But i had deleted my blog and the only proof i had that i hard heard his voice and the Honey Trees prior to him sending it to me.

Again 6 months after we had been broken up i was talking to a guy friend online and he was kind of making fun of my ex sayung he didnt do much for me. And then i heard my ex’s voice tell me “get off the phone NOW”. I didn’t and then he calls me a moment later. You can only imagine how scared i was. The voices were making him out to be almost abusive. I mean he was a player and a jerk. But abusive was a whole other level.

They later foretold my Ex (false twin flame) getting married, having a son and moving to Jersey 3 years ago. The voices knew i wanted a baby. But it was something i never really discussed with my ex because he said he didnt want any. So far all i know is that he had a son a year ago with a beautiful woman. I didnt believe it till i saw the baby registry with his name. Even the shock wasnt that of the heart but that these voice told me this years prior.

Then the voices said they are “waiting for the shoe to drop”….. And “great day!” Which was a catch phrase my grandmother used. Basically telling me that my grandmother was going to pass. Again i didnt believe them. I didnt want to even though she was 97 years old. But she did pass after going into the hospital. They were making fun of it to make me upset.

Then they said they were “waiting for the other shoe to drop!” And “have mercy” as code for my mother, that was a phrase she used a lot too. Then two weeks or so after my grandmother passed my mother had a heart attack. Then a few months later a stroke.

This was all the while ” schizophrenia” just started in 2016. Even the times i myself had “predicted the future” it was mainly from a logical stand point.

Then the voices didnt want me dating the last guy i was with and would make fun of him and his penis to try to make me feel some sort of way about him. I enjoyed him and size never really mattered just that we both cared about each other. Then about 3 weeks into dating he started hearing voices. He said he heard his name called multiple times and no one was there. And then the week after i never heard from him again. While it may be a long shot….. But i mean since he started hearing them they could have easily influenced him with out him being totally aware. Because i didnt listen and leave him like they wanted.

Then we get to my best friend. When i first went to her home i did not see the entities as much but i still heard them. Then over time i started to see them on the windows and corners of the home and over the bed. They said they wanted to get me out of her house (just like they wanted to do at my parents) and said they “need to get her (my friend) a man” “play” this was week or so prior to her meeting her current boyfriend. Prior she was complaining about how she was going to be alone forever. I ignored them saying she was going to get a “man play”. But it happened. Spending time at her house was my quiet time and then i would take care of my godson. But they dont want me to build myself up. Or peace and quiet. Or to be around friends. Just isolated alone getting tortured raped molested electrocuted.


So in a way these demons are foretelling my life or the lives around me or creating it. Im not sure if they are using NLP to influence my life or if that us even a real thing in this case. I try to stay as positive as possible believe it or not.

I have however used my logical mind to peel away what didnt make sense. The voices were trying to make it seem as though both my ex (false twin flame) AND my coworkers were energetically gang stalking me. They wanted me to freak out on them but i kept my cool for the most part. My coworker just said i left in a strange way. And i sent a pretty strange email to my ex (with out too much detail) as a plea for him to stop torturing in the spirit realm. I blocked him because i didnt want to read a reply i didnt want my body to shiver or convulse or my mind to race, to have his words twisted into something completely different by the demons.

I just wanted it to stop.

No matter how positive or better than positive ….. Truthful i am ….. These demons remain. I try to peel back as much of the beliefs and layers as possible. I try to stop the stories being created in my head as soon as they form. But they remain and harrass and torture me.

Can i change my destiny? I feel like these demons are controlling it in one way or another despite my best efforts.

I’ve given up so much.

Targeted Individuals: 144k : Special? 🙏

I’m probably going to get some shit with this but I’ve ran through enough of the spiritual community and i will say this right now, people are out here playing on trends to get money or fame.

First it was like alien abductions and ghosts like back in the day right, then earth angels, past lives as kings and queens and gods or goddesses…. then lightworkers and indigo children then rainbow crystal children ……. Then it was starseeds alien dna. Then it was TWIN FLAME and holy union and once everyone jumped off THAT shit show of a bandwagon, its then 144k (God’s chosen) ….. And i mean yo! ….. Thats not naming all of the trends. With in the “awakened” community.

I have found that more men seem to be talking about the 144k than say women who spoke about twin flames.

Maybe im not impressed because im a regular degular ….. No special super powers other than a big mouth and some skepticism.

Like everyone running around here wanting to EXTRA EXTRA special. People out here thinking they are straight up prophets because of this 144k trend. But like 2 years ago people swore they were the goddess Isis in a past life….. Or Jesus and longing for their narcissistic twin flame to come into union.

Like dudes have you ever wondered if this is all the Devils LIES to fuck with your mind and inflate your ego?

I dropped COINS on “spiritual services”…… And honestly no one has fixed my situation….. But they took my money that is for sure. They may have UNDERSTOOD my situation being demonically targeted or a twin flame or whatever it is but no one was able to fix it and thats why i went to them. I didnt need a hug….. I needed for my body to stop burning! But these are lightworkers that are suppose to have special powers so why didnt it work?

Honestly the explanation that i heard about the 144k was that it was actually the innocent children that they killed looking for Jesus (here for the video). That made sense to me for some reason. That those children will rise up as like new angels and be in God’s spiritual army. But many think its the rapture of 144k and the current bloodline of the 12 tribes and like souls will be sucked out the body and sent up to heaven. Uuuuummmmm Idk. Im just saying. Children are special and to me it makes sense that the innocent children that were slain in the name of Jesus (Gods son) rise up as angels. But what do i know?

Honestly most of the people out here are DEEP in not just their ego but ALTER EGO. I mean if it gets you through the day to think past life you were Isis or Jesus or an Angel …alien… Ect i mean go for it, but recognize it for what it is. Honestly people always called me an Angel and i let that shit get to my head when these demons were attacking me.

So i am open to being wrong…… I honestly know for a fact these demons will play both sides. God, Devil, Alien, Angel, Goddess, telepathy, Government…… Whatever they can convince and confuse your ass with. Its a slippery slope playing with energies you dont REALLY understand or knowwhat they are. You don’t have the eyes to really see them. And if you do ….. The devil is a lie and illusions are real. I have seen the same beings (negative) turn into bright lights (which i think we associate with good ones) and have seen the same ones turn to the blackest black to hide in a corner. So….. What can you trust?

While I identify with the targeted individual community as a shared experience……. I am having a difficult time saying its because i am a Twin Flame or a Lightwoker or 144k. And i am not that paranoid to think its the government. I mean but if the government wants to watch me wipe my ass all day…… That’s their issue. I just need the dial turned down on the fryer.

A lot of that stuff is distractions from our eyes being on God and giving praise. I am not going to even lie….. Like im seriously struggling feeling stuck in the demonic torture situation and i talk aboit it a lot to cope. But im trying to talk myself out of the ego and the bullshit…. And just want to get back to joy and being of service to humanity and growing in God.

Just saying. Be careful out here. Keep it simple keep it pure.

“Signs you’re a slave of astral demons” from

Spiritual awakening brings great spiritual fruits and gifts for one to experience, but also dangerous situations which in the beginning is not obvious at all to the initiate. Lately I am discovering truths about the awakening, part of the new age movement, that are totally shocking and unacceptable for workers of light who have not realized them yet.

As a fish against the flow, it is my mission to speak the truth based on my personal experience with the spiritual awakening, so in this article I am going to share the complete signs which prove one is a slave of the fifth dimensional beings, due to their frequency raise in their initiation experience.

You receive numbers such as 11:11, 222, 333, 444

In the beginning of the spiritual awakening, part of the new age movement, one receives synchcronicities, which they believe to be guides from angels of God, from divine beings. Having experienced the awakening for more than five years, not only have I discovered the numbers one receives during their vibration upgrade is not from angelic beings, but I have also come to the conclusion that it is the demons, fallen angels, who is transmitting them.

The event of synchronicities is so supernatural, that the initiate has no choice, but to believe the numbers is coming from God. Having been fooled myself by the demons who live in spiritual realms, I have completely realized that the whole spiritual movement, part of New Age, is a total setup from the beginning.

The whole point of the numbers, is to get the attention of the initiate, so the false angels can suck energy out of them. What is presented as syncs from the divine source, is nothing but a deceitful project run by Satan, a secret plan which only those who can see behind the curtains can truly understand.

Most of the spiritual people who is experiencing the numerical syncs such as 11:11, 222, 333, 444; are lost in a bubble which is being easily controlled through frequencies in the air by those who send them. Having experienced the bubble myself for many years, I can surely say that spiritual life inside it is nothing, but a game about raising vibration.

What the initiates fail to realize, is that they have been tricked to believe they have escaped the third dimensional matrix, by being placed inside a fifth dimensional bubble through frequency upgrade.

Fact is that the false guides keep sending numbers to the initiates constantly, with the main purpose of keeping them under total control. While the spiritual people, part of New Age, may feel a total sense of freedom and unconditional love, the real truth is that they’re constantly being manipulated through the vibrations the fallen angels send to them.

You experience weird dreams which manifest in the third dimension

Before meeting my false twinflame, I experienced a lot of dreams which manifested in the third dimension later.  The events were so supernatural, I thought it was from God. What else to think?!

Fallen angels interfere in one’s life through dreams, with the main purpose of forcing them to believe the supernatural events is a gift from God. Because what the initiates experience in their dreams, manifests in the third dimension later, they do think it is God who is sending them the frequencies through syncs such as 11:11, 222, 333, 444.

The game runs really deep. The Devil mixes a lot of truth with a lie; that’s why he manages to deceive a lot of people.

Not only did I experience weird dreams before meeting my false twinflame, but also after the experience with the spiritual awakening. Lately I have received a weird dream in which I was flying inside the home of  a beautiful girl; the next day I saw the exact girl in the street in which I was passing.

The fallen angels is very powerful when it comes to manipulating the initiate, as they have managed to transmit to them frequencies of the fifth dimension.

Dreams is another way through which the astral parasites project realities into the spiritual people. Being a victim of the fallen angels myself, there is a lot of weird dreams which I have experienced. Almost all of them have been manifested in the third dimension.

You feel drained all the time

In the beginning of the spiritual awakening, the initiates feel a sense of unconditional love around their heart. The energy during the beginning of the awakening is crazy; spiritual people feel like they’re experiencing heaven on earth.

Having experienced all of the energies of the spiritual awakening, part of the New Age movement, myself, I completely understand how deep the game goes.

The real war is spiritual. The fallen angels who stand behind the awakening, give one a sense of heaven in the beginning, with the main purpose of tricking them into the fifth dimensional bubble.

Once one is tricked into the fifth dimensional bubble, they are constantly being exploited by the demons who come as light in the beginning. To upgrade frequency from a third dimensional one, to a fifth dimensional one, means to open the kind of portals which astral parasites can easily exploit to suck out energy of the initiates.

Those who have experienced the spiritual awakening, feel constantly drained during their journey. The fallen angels present it as energy shift, but in reality, it is another scheme to steal energy from the workers of light, who have fallen prey of the New Age movement.

Final thoughts

Most of the people in the spiritual community fail to understand the fact that they’re being constantly exploited by astral parasites who live in spiritual realms; and it is tragic! Being a victim for many years myself, I feel it is time to expose the New Age movement!

If people can fake their personal frequency to take advantage of each other, why wouldn’t fifth-dimensional beings do the same?!

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