The Importance of Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse in Psychic/Spiritual Attacks

One thing I love about TikTok is that many of the users share there story about Narcissistic Abuse. There are also legit psychologists who give tips on recognizing a Narc.

In my own “journey” through hell, I had a bad break up with someone who I dated for only 6 months. It was the first man I dated for that long and I guess I didn’t know what signs to look for to protect myself while dating men. I just thought hey be the cool girl, and he will see how dope you are. But I guess I didn’t realize it was too late I was being strung along. He told me he didn’t want kids or marriage or to be “tied down”, but what I later realized that this wasn’t some claim to a personal belief, but what he wanted with me. He didn’t want those things at all and he knew it and I like a dummy thought I could persuade him. He later got all of those things with someone he did want it with. And that’s fine.

Coming to terms with this was not easy after the break up. He didn’t make it easy by continuing to contact me, even when I promised myself I was not going to call him (which I didn’t). But I struggled with keeping tabs on him online. Ect. He would message me and I would respond…. he wouldn’t then later I would see he posted on FB and stuff. It was things like that. Waiting.

I became obsessed in a way I never felt before. Trying to figure out why I had feeling a for this guy, and why that wasn’t enough for this to work out. It was a MESS. I thought I had been hypnotized it a spell casted in me. Something. It didn’t feel natural or like me. But I wasn’t privy to it nonetheless.

As I googled for something like hypnotized in relationship or something along those line I came across a woman who shared her experience with a Narc. And I listened. And I at one point even wondered if I was the Narc. Because I would run away. We would get into a fight, I would run away. And I think our last “fight” I tried not to run away but ask for time (2 weeks) apart to focus on my job’s deadline because I was seriously loosing my shit. That’s when he broke up with me officially. Technically.

It’s hard to say that he is a Narc. I think we all have some spectrum of mental health issues in our lives. And it is our job to be aware of them and act accordingly if possible.

I mention this because epic epic drama of the Narc and the Empath is a tale told very often in the spiritual community. This is some how known as “twin flame” (which honestly doesn’t make much sense to me but OK). This story or experience of heartbreak and obsession and waiting and cleansing and magic …. telepathy have a nice chunk of women waiting around for something that may never come. I was one of them. BUT the “twin flame” journey was not serving me AT ALL, so I “let go of what was not longer serving me”.

I get to this point because, I know I was always an “empath” or intuitive. Since a child. But when I experienced this man or what some call a “twin flame” or now a “karmic soulmate” 🙄 I started to be psychically attacked.

For a year (2016) I legit thought it was him. I thought we had telepathic communication and he was harming me. I begged, drugged myself… saw shamans. To the point of suicide. Which he in his “telepathy” said he wanted.

Through this blog you can find other journal entries on the twin flame nightmare. But I am going to try to keep it to the point here.

Either way. I rejected the idea of twin flame or that I needed to commit suicide or that I was going to suffer for this connection in any way. When I did that things went from bad to worse. The voices I heard were no longer actual people. The visions I saw revealed themselves in their more truer essence which was not human.

I KNEW something wasn’t right. It didn’t make sense that this man would want me to commit suicide because we broke up like WUT?!

I mean CONSTANT voices. Constant none stop voices. Trying to get as much information on me as possible. They would ask me about my past wrongfully accusing me of things and I had to defend myself. Or distorting memories and creating false ones. I had to account for my whole entire fucking life. Mean while getting burned and raped and given migraine and all sort of pain, black outs ect because what I now know some sort of entity (entities) was attacking me.

That was my “awakening”. Getting cosmically jumped by the astral world.

Meanwhile in 3D I lost everything I owned including my sanity and also had the “spiritual community” turn their backs on me because I was going through something they could not easily fix with love and light and “an orb of white light surrounding me”.

I honestly found the most caring community in the mental health community. There is a balance of 1. Actually experiencing what people in the spiritual community theorize about. 2. A dedication to healing and listening to each other supporting each other. 3. I don’t have to pay Ms. Smith from mildly of no where $300 for her healing services she learned on a vacation to Peru or where ever. These are people who get it and experience it in detail. And there is a softness to them because we are vulnerable and that vulnerability helps us real are to the depths pain that others would not.

The spiritual community often times looks no different than the religious community to me. Just arguing about details and blowing over people lived experience and pain. Blaming peoples pain on the fact the “signed up for this” or that “they allowed this in their lives because of a soul tie” or “karma” ect. I was told I was of the dark. And as a perfectionist who dedicated their life to helping other THAT SHIT TOOK ME OUT. And I sat with it for a while…. and realized it was bullshit. Saying I’m dark or an evil person is fucked up. Like you don’t even know what dark is.

Which brings me to my point. My energetic attacks are well documented in this blog. I do some shadow work in here as well. There is an evolution to my writing in trying to figure out WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is happening to me. I definitely contract myself in here, I was thinking about deleting it but I realized it’s important to see the evolution. And I am not absolutely right these are my experiences and views on such as I try to shift through ideas and concepts to honestly stop these attacks all together.

The “beings”, entities, energies… demons aliens whatever you want to call them…. the one thing I noticed is they are definitely far along in the psychopath/ Narc spectrum.

I mean they will lie to you about who they are, gaslight you on your own memories, rape, abuse, just mentally fuck with you. Hypnotize you into think you are a certain type of person… try to change your being at its core also known as debasing. Orbit you, even love bomb you. Pretend to show compassion and then in the same minute metaphysically abuse you.

Many schizophrenics hear the voices “talk about them as if they are not in the room” or can’t hear what is being said. I believe some target individuals experience this as well. So you have an entity or two or more just say “yea remember that time he yelled at his mom 5 years back, I bet he wanted her dead, yea she is going to die because of him… he killed her”. So like you are hearing this bullshit…. and no you do not want your mom dead….. and you can either respond to them directly ( which if I do they tell me shut up) 😳 or you learn to not to respond.

One thing I do is I do not respond to them. I respond to myself in “correcting my thoughts” for the record. So I say to myself “yes I yelled at my mother, and no I do not want her to die” short and simple. It can be more of thought then a verbal one in your head if needed. Talking inside your own head can be a little tiring.

Either way these voice/ entities will berate and belittle you to what seems like no end. Doesn’t matter how “good” you are or even bad you are. This is what they do. It is their nature.

Lie, belittle, accuse, blame, abuse…..

So the important of shadow work, trauma work, inner child work, and understanding narcissistic abuse is important to “healing” or more so surviving attacks of any level.

As I said these entities are like everything toxic about the human race packed into one little bobbled headed alien 👽 trying to get off on your consciousness.

Seriously fuck them.

I’m not where I want to be. I’m not where I was because I refused to go insane running around where ever they wanted. I am current and in the moment of experiencing. And yes I have goals.

It is these entities JOB to ruin your moment, day, week, life. Some are just more aware ….. and honesty awareness is not fun. “The veil being lifted” for real is NOT fun. If it’s fun you are probably still in an illusion and being played with. Which is fine…. like do you. But these beings are fucked up.

Being aware…. honestly isolates you in ways … I mean … like who? Most will only agree to the pretty parts or the exciting parts but in totality no one wants to align on that this shit is fucked up. I don’t care if I have super powers. I probably only have them because these entities are fucking with me.

I honestly say this because I spent so much money on “spiritual” shaman work and religion an meds and therapy and all that. And nothing helped me. The only thing that did was allowing certain concepts ideas beliefs theories ect go. Observing what was happening in the present moment. If the entity triggered me, I did shadow work and wrote out my current truth. I wrote my story almost as a legal affidavit. I allowed myself to feel the pain or anxiety … sadness whatever but i also distracted myself or screamed about it on this blog. I connected with people who are going through what I am. I compared notes. That was the only way I strengthened myself to this point.

I can sit here and theorize why I was attacked in this way until I die. “Dark night of the soul”, “kundalini awakening”, “regular awakening”, I’m a “medium”, I did something to upset God, past life “karma” ect. List can go on..,

But to be honest I have seen more mercy given to rapist and murders. And I know who I am and that I am a decent person. If the entities threaten my life I do not care. Go ahead…. end the torture….. at least that is some form of mercy.

I do not fear these beings anymore, and even with being “out of fear consciousness” the attacks continue. Even being out of guilt or shame the attacks continue. Because the only reason it matters is your response. Are you going to be calm cool and collected? Are you going to observe what is rather than what was or you THINK it is. Or will you bug out pushing people away from you.

The entities just said this is some rite of passage….. but honestly they can keep it. There is no reason and no reward for my suffering. It’s just to fuck with you.

And so many have and a HUGE wave from 2020 are going through it. And we need to learn to hold space and watch them and support them and let them be honest…. even for the darkest parts. And honestly not charge people for being a decent human being in the middle of a spiritual crisis.

Strengthen our minds…. (which doesn’t mean absolute) and strengthen our compassion for ourselves and others.

That is all.

Imaginary Friend 🍃👻🍃

I had some “the gruge” like or alien raptor visuals in the begining ….. But I laughed at them …. So oddly my visuals are not AS strong although I have like floating emojis around the house which are odd and visions of child abuse or which is terrifying or random photos of people. 

I guess I am more stern because of the auditory …. Speaking creates more of a relationship. So it’s like one moment the voices would have me crying from saying moms gonna die, then sucidial from a sick visual of child sexual abuse and then trying manipulate me back into a friendly demeanor by making jokes or saying they love me. I realized this was a cycle of abuse. 

The Reconciliation /Honeymoon phase is “The victim feels pain, fear, humiliation, disrespect, confusion, and may mistakenly feel responsible. Characterized by affection, apology, or, alternatively, ignoring the incident, this phase marks an apparent end of violence, with assurances that it will never happen again, or that the abuser will do his or her best to change.” 

The first time I was introduced to this was when my best friend in high school told me that her mom would beat her, and then clean her wounds and tell her sorry and it won’t happen again and do it again. I asked my mom if she could live us but she couldn’t. 

Once I found this habitual pattern of abuse…. As much as those funny moments are so important for relief to the constant verbal abuse… To love and not hate…. To laugh….. I sadly had to accept that these voices will never change…. And I can no longer enable their abuse. Nor can I trust any attempt to gain my trust. 

This is called trauma. Not being able to leave a state of constant distrust or being on gaurd…… Physically harms the body in itself as well as how I interact with others. I’m trying to simply be clear and stern about my boundaries rather than be become a full blown narc. But it hurts and its hard because this is NOT my true nature. 

Sans the sick twisted abusive stuff…. I have no problem having an imaginary alien rapture friend that remixes gregorian music, plays air ghost tic tac toe and makes decent jokes given a natrual break in communication and with out pain from them touching me is gone.

Yea…. I am liberal about being crazy.

Spiritual Bypassing Revisited. 😲😲😲

So spiritual bypassing. 

We are basically saying that if you don’t get almost literally spiritually jumped and cosmically punched in the face that you don’t get the badge of honor of being “inept”. To………… What? 

Do y’all see how we are perpetuating abuse even through our spiritual communities. 

We allow these “spirits” entities to cause harm and then run around thinking its an honor….. And we are enlightened. 



Basically you are enabling cosmic spiritual bullying.

And we are suppose to grow from that?!

Think about how fucking backwards that is? 

Its perpetating abuse.

If someone is in an abusive relationship do you tell them to stay in the relationship and forgive them while they are being beat? 

A lot of these people going around talking about accept the dark and light…. And spiritual bypassing never been raped by some random ass entity and then being told to forgive them. Forgiveness is a process. And protecting ones self is the first step. Abuse stopping is the first step. 

And forgiveness is a choice. 

I’ve always been like this. Ever since school. School is forced… Information forced…. Most of its a lie to perpetuate ignorance. Most of its not useful and most what actually learn and find useful is on the job you are forces to engage in to survive. 

Let’s really rethink the spiritual concepts we spew out. All we are doing is excusing entitities, energies, demons, whatever to play a roll in our lives, and there shouldn’t be any. They made their choice. And they keep making their choice the more you allow them to “punish” or abuse us senselessly which only enables their bad behavior.

Its not a badge of honor….. It’s ignorance. 


Twin Flame Trigger 🔥🔥

everyone wants to be a twin flame expert because it equals money now.

this one guy is out here saying twin flames are the same as the indigenous concept of “two-spirit”. and it’s pissing me off.  One cause people just can’t seem to stop exploiting indigenous culture for gain and two-spirit is NOT a twin flame.

if you wanna say two spirits are actually living inside of you then SURE let’s say that … shit, i got like at least 3 fucking with me inside.

like, stick to yall new agey twin flame shit and talking about going into union for a decade.

two-spirit is a third gender recognizing that we hold both “male” and “female” traits and not conforming to gender roles based on sex. It has nothing to do with twin flame. Stop dragging indigenous info into yall bullshit to make it seem all sacred.

tired of these hoes.

I unfollowed a lot of twin flame stuff I don’t watch the updates, now still everyone wants to give their “twin flame union update” every month in spiritual groups so they can catch people they can coach for cash money.

the guy who is saying twin flame and two-spirit is the same thing is the one who told me I’m NOT a twin flame. charged me $250 to tell me shit and some shit I could have gotten off of youtube. And when I told him it didn’t work he said it was my fault and I wasn’t trying enough. The only thing of value I got out of it was him telling me I wasn’t a “twin flame” which is fine cause it was just a demonic archon thing raping me anyway. The entity fell for it and started acting differently but that didn’t stop this demon …. just confused him.

ugh I’m kinda getting sick of it all.

I know I’m being placed in these places for a reason… but people are really pumping a lot of bullshit to get paid. When we got more work to do other than worrying about when you gonna get to fuck your ex/ twin flame.

you know a little girl hung herself because she was bullied in school. where the FUCK does she get an idea to HANG herself. she was like 5. Fuck these demons and fuck everyone making money off of people telling them lies.


Princess. 👸

So I was scrolling through Facebook and Bored Panda had the cutest clip about this Dad who Makes Transforming Dresses

I’m into fashion believe it or not. I use to sew crazy performance outfits for my friends who were in the Vogue Ballroom scene. So this dress had what would be called an “effect” ….  Just that little extra bit of wow or drama. 

Either way I’m watching this clip in aww my mouth dropped from the creativity. And I knew any girl or femme would love to have something like that its like you turn into an instant princess. 

BUT OF COURSE THE ENTITY COMES IN and starts saying I’m watching child porn. And I’m like HUH? 

And so I just started crying…. Because I realized I may never think the way I use to ever again. Just…. normal. I have this curse…. This entity……. This inserted thought constantly talking about child abuse in a gross manner. It doesn’t matter what the topic is…. It could furniture….. Or tree. This entity will find a way to pedo that topic to torment my life. And I’m over it. 

I’m sorry I just started crying…. And I write when I cry. I’m tired of being molested and burned and constantly having to think about this topic. I’ve really tried to ignore it…. But then I bust out crying and I can’t help it it upsets me and I know they love it….. its there juice. 

Maybe I should have been heartless…. I wish I had a different fear….. A different thing that upsets me so much…. Idk…. Maybe Protecting the Rainforest or something…..

Just sucks looking at something innocently and then having it turned into something disgusting as soon as you smile. 

Whatever. 😭

Sun Lamp 🌞

I’m legit thinking about limiting my electronic time and getting a sun lamp until its warm enough to go outside. 

I’m not depressed other that the fact I have endure the pain of this situation. And I already take vitamin D. My mood is only because of this experience other wise I’m pretty happy go lucky. 

saw some affordable ones so I might just ask for one as an early Xmas gift.

My friend who has also experienced this and has confirmed some things for me told me to look into making a DIY Earthing Grounding mat. I was so use to farming barefoot at my old job when I had the chance or being on the beach. Now I guess the best I can do is fake sunlight and fake earthing until I am able to purge these nasty entities.

The prayers I have been doing seem to only make me be attacked harder.

I know we are suppose to be on Gods side but…… The prayer is for protection from these things and to forgive them. But it doesn’t seem to be working soon after I feel sucked dry as if I’m about to die. 

So idk. The Tai Chi by Eric Pilgrem seems decent. But they just come back.

I look forward to having my feet in the sand on a beautiful long island beach soon as I can. 

Tree of Life: Archon False Chakra system

This is EXACTLY how they set up the false chakra system over the body. I can see it. Except the first two on the side are closer to the temple/ears and the shoulder one is under the arm pit, the root being the most important extends from the thigh area (inner mostly) to the butt area so to debase your vibrations. 

It’s bullshit. I never had this shit before, I never agreed to it, I never asked for it.  I did yoga like what three in my life after this all started to calm mass ass down. Now a bitch can’t be flexible with out worrying about being possessed?

These chakras are made from the same stuff floating all over my house and spitting sparkle balls at my forehead or whatever it does. 

It’s soo fux up. No one should be forced into this. 

This is so sad that this is all false.

Sister Sister (pt. whatever)  😇🙏😈

So tonight my sister asked me to help her in the bed. And I have slowly been trying to ween her off of asking me for help. I mean she had a stroke, didn’t really push herself in physically therapy as much I would have like to have seen, but FORCED herself to go back to work being partially disabled now. Not because its a lot of money but because she loves her job. And my moms and I best instincts we supported her. It would be good exercise. 

Which means that half of my life is currently dedicated to making sure she looks good for the world. But at home constantly cleaning up human waste, helping her put on clothes and getting her things. But some how she braves the streets on NYC and goes to work at rush hour. Which is more than I have been able to do unless its another emergency. 

My sister asked me to help her to bed. But for some strange reason I help he to bed and she gets up 5 mins later for juice and then asks for help again. Sooooo….  I told her NO this time. I tried to explain to her why and she told me to “shut up!“. So I told her, “Fuck you! You’re so RUDE!

And GUESS What the Demon tried to do, tried to GUILT me about the ENERY I was sending my sister and saying it was going to go over and kill her because I told her “fuck you”. 

So I told the demon, “Fuck you too go back to hell”. I thought if this demon wants to hurt my sister at this point that is that Demons choice not mine. What am I gonna do? Grab at air? I already tried that smacking one out of her room. I already put up prayers on every mirror. I bit my tongue and faked being happy for her healing process and was having (still) having a delusional break down being burned and raped all the while having to be a maid and being yelled at. 

This whole being “conscious of the energy I bring our put out there” is now another form of GUILT for this demon to play with after working on many layer and finally getting to a place of soon braving the world. Like I’m not allowed to say NO. I said NO to this Demon(s) so many times and yet . …….Here it remains. I’ve ignored it, I’ve scolded my skin with hot herbal baths, I prayed, I’ve paid, I’ve given up everything in this false “ascension”. 

My sister is not my child and she reminds me of hold old she is every week. I just wish we were just….. Sisters again. 

Since she going back to work now, I have tried to focus on getting a game plan together for my own healing. On my own. Since nothing I paid for worked other than ODing on benadryl /sleep medication and some fake ass excuse for this perverse Demon being in my life “shamans” calling it a “generational curse”.

Check This! I can still be conscious of my “energy” and still express myself. How amazing is that!? Even if I didn’t have this Demon pop up and try to murder me I still would be angry. Look at the world! It’s where I channel my anger. And at the same time I can’t be responsible how some perceives my “energy”. I can only be responsible for how I carry myself. If that person is so perceptive then they should also have compassion in understanding that persons “energy” as well, while simultaneously not taking it on as their own. But I also understand that there are people unaware, sensitive and under attack. Like me. 

The Demon said, “let the games begin!”

😩😒 UHg.

Lost Souls 👤🙏 & Fire

I have heard many theories on what these circular shape things are around my house. Some say its souls/spirits, some say angels, some say archon/ reptialian, I have yet to read anyone directly relate this things with Satan but they sure do come close. 

So one thing I noticed is that these things do NOT like heat. Although they can produce what may feel like heat (nerve / electrical). Actual heat is not what they love. This includes actual fire and HOT water, say in a bath or the outside of a glass of HOT tea.

I guess this came up for me because I woke up, felt one of these things on the top of my hand and the used my eyes to see if there was one there, and then saw the darker middle half way out my hand. I then placed my piping hot coffee cup on the back of my hand and saw it rise up slowly. 

Whatever these things are if they remove themselves from my body after being put in hot water then to me that means THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE THERE! 

Maybe I am getting too biblical but maybe these are lost souls, that would endlessly burn in fire. Since they don’t die in heat, but don’t like heat they just run away, they often come back. Or maybe these lost souls are being USE by Reptilians (which i could def see them being thought of as demons back in the day).

They are slowly accumulating all over the house. Edges of the ceiling. And some so bold and big right in the middle of the room.

I’m just tired of these things attaching to me. I know my vibrations are “low” because whatever is orchestrating this, keeps using child sexual abuse to make me super sad and grossed out and cry. Which probably just feeds them all. But I TRY, and when I try to not allow the visions to bring me down (cause they are not real), I get attached even more. 

These things touching my skin are causing rashes, burning, vibration and discomfort. 

When I deal with emotional now its the physical with these things burning.

I’m TRYing SO HARD! 🙏